Friday, May 28, 2010

my favourite subject

hi dear friends, today I will speak about my favourite subject of my carreer
In physical therapy all subject are dificult(anatomy, histology, quimic, physic ect), except introduction to physical therapy, it is very easy because the thing we see are very simple and for this is my favourite subject
In this class the teacher speak about our future carreer, orient everybody for our carrer
this is very important because, in this class we see what do a physical therapy in the really, because in my case when I join to physical therapy I have a smaller idea about this carreer, I think this be a fusion of medicine and sport, and in this class I discover that physical therapy is very much that this is a feeling of service to the comunity, help people with physical problems with a kinesic work
the interesting of this class is after see the history of the physical therapy, the begins in the world and chile, the different tipes of this(traumatology, ortopedict, respiratory and neurology)the students do groups and have to go to different center of physical therapy in santiago

I think that this visit will be a great help to my future treatment with my patients, and for this reason introduction to physical therapy is my favorite subject, because is a big help to my future job
bye friens see you in the university and the next class of english
peace and love, more love jaja

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

website ¡

Hello my dear friends
This time I am going to speak about my fauvority website, really I have tree:, and
Now I describe, I used this website because is a virtual newspaper where I see sports, economy for example
terra is a good page because be very fast, tidy and easy to used, for this in my free time look this website, in special the section of sports, I can see results of a lot sports, even I can listen the match for this website
Be informed is very important in this global world for this terra is important for me, I used this page in the mornig, afternoon and night
other page I usually visit is, this is incontrollable for me, is a vicious jajaja

have a good week friends and recording, visit if you don´t have a newspaper and have a computer
see you in english and class