Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the best memorie of my childhood

hello my dear friends, today I¨m going to speak about my best memorie of my childhood, I think in my childhood and I have very good memories, this time where I can play all the day with friends, this time where we didn´t have more obligations only receive love of your family and environmen

having to choose one moment in my childhood, would choose one of the summers when I played every day, in the park was in the front of my house, in fact, my garden have a direct door to the park, for this in my case was very easy go to this place

in this summer I played specially with a friends of school in this places, and with the person that I more played was my neighbor, we played soccer, tennis and a lot of plays in the park

my friends and me play in this places until it was getting late, when my mother forced to enter to the house because it was very late

this times was incredible, if I didn´t playing outside, I was playing play station, honestly I was and be a master for some games, for example for the winning eleven, is dificult defeat my in this game jaja, for this reason my childhood was good, because I didn´t play fisically I was playing virtually

well this was a part of my childhood, I thing it be a beautiful part of the live to everybody, this part we define your strengths and habits
see you in the week friends, good luck

Sunday, September 5, 2010

my favorite movie

hello my dear friends, today I¨ going to speak about my favorite movie, in my case I don¨t be a fanatic of the films, for this reason is difficult for me, I like movies for actions where you see fights, for this I think stars wars is my favorite movie

I remenber the first time I saw one of the movies of stars war, was in the cinema went my father went with me to saw the stars war(the first), in this time this movie was a real phenomena and many people went to saw this in the cinema

I like this film because george lucas structure very good the history, he do very well the first trilogy, the film have good actors, scenes and effect(for the time of couse), to this day I remember the famous ¨ I¨am your father" and this epic fights with this espectacular lazer swords also I like this movies because have amazing characters, for example chubaka, the master joda and other series of strange characters

the second trilogy was good, in this george lucas resolved the mysterys that has remained in the first trilogy, but in my case did not cause the same impact but in the first movies, for me everything was new and in the last movie was more difficult surprise me, maybe for my age maybe because I knew the type of movie, but anyway the movies were espectacular and amazing

I hope you like stars war me too, see you in the university bye :)