Friday, October 22, 2010

we only use 10% of your brain anyway

hello my dear friends, today I´m going to speak about a part of a paper of neuromyth, I choose a interesting part where this explained this phrase"but I read that we only use a 10% of our brain anyway" this phrase come from Albert Einstein
when we speak about it, everybody knows and thinks this is a true, all because Albert Einstein one of the most famous physical of the history said this(74)

one argument for this be when karl Lashley explored the brain using electric shocks. and many areas of the brain did not react to these shocks, Lashley concluded that these areas had no function

with this information one might think that we have a big brain, but a small part of this have a function, it is possible?. It is possible that the brain spend a lot of energy, because it need a good irrigation and a great number of cells and we used only a ten porcent of this ?

the answer is no, Neurosciencie findings now show that the brain is 100 porcent active, the reason is simple obiusly we have a function areas of the brain with more activity, for example the primary visual area, the primary auditory area ect. but every part of the brain have a function, maybe somes parts of the brain be more important to the right function of the body, also the evolution is very inteligent, for this we don´t have part in our body with any function

this was my teories of this phrase jajaja good bye friends, see you in the week

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a healthy life style, Is it possible? How?

hello my dear friends, today I´m going to speak about : ¨ a healthy life style, Is it possible? How?
to be begun, I think healthy life style is have a good physical state, have a good customs for food, this things seems easy, but if we see the persons, the mayor have a bad healthy style. In this block I talk about this reason

thinking reason for have a good healthy life style, choose the food, the type of life(sports, sedentarisim) and the style of society in wich we live, I go to stars with this points

the food is a important thing in this society, where we go, be restaurants, fast food, and food and more food, this could be good? ofcourse, the problem is the type of food, if this food be healthy this could be perfect, but this be the fast food wich affects our healthy

other importan point is the type of life, the person who do sports have a good healthy for this I think everybody have to do sports, the sport is perfect to the body and produce a good physical state

finally the society is very important, beacuse this condicion to the persons, if one live in a culture with bad healthy, one is prone to have very problems in our healthy, for this I think is difficult have a good healthy if one life in a bad enviroment, but no impossible everything is in our hands

how we have a good healthy style of live, very simple eating healthy food, do a lot of sport, don´t have a sedentarisim life, sleep fine, and to be happy have a lot time to relax and enjoi the life

bye friends I hope we think the same and have a good healthy and eat very well and do sport, see you in the week :D