Friday, November 19, 2010

my experience learning English at the university

hello my dear friends, today I´m going to speak about my experiencie learning English at the university, well this is my last blog and I´m going to do a recapitulation of my work in this class in this year

when the year started, I had to do a test to know my level of English and to my surprise I was assigned to the level 3, the pre intermedied level. In my school I had a regular marks in English for this subject has been difficult for me, and specially because I think we can not spent a lot of time in this subject and in the class in my case I did not learn much, the reasons why I feel I did not learn much might for my inicial level of English, maybe was so poor and for this reason I did not understand some activities

but the subject had good parts, I think the blog be the best part because I improve my vocabulary and writing speed, for the simple reason that to do a blog, one has to search words and organizations of good way

the biggest problem of the English course is that the teachers did not exercicing the basic thing, in my opinion, they thought that we all had a high level of English, in the case of my classmate some have a high level and others with a lower level, unlucky for me I include myself in the last group, I feel that the "listening" was difficult because we did not practice much, and in the thing when the course had a big problem was in the oral part, in this topic we had a little training and finally the worst result

these were my opinion of the course of English I think taht the reason of this problems was the time, in one semester, we can not have a big improvement...
see you in the week bye

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jorge,

    Check these,
    ...I had a regular marks...
    ...I had AVERAGE marks...

    ...might for my inicial level of English...
    ...MIGHT BE MY INITIAL level of English...

    Have a good time,

