Friday, November 19, 2010

my experience learning English at the university

hello my dear friends, today I´m going to speak about my experiencie learning English at the university, well this is my last blog and I´m going to do a recapitulation of my work in this class in this year

when the year started, I had to do a test to know my level of English and to my surprise I was assigned to the level 3, the pre intermedied level. In my school I had a regular marks in English for this subject has been difficult for me, and specially because I think we can not spent a lot of time in this subject and in the class in my case I did not learn much, the reasons why I feel I did not learn much might for my inicial level of English, maybe was so poor and for this reason I did not understand some activities

but the subject had good parts, I think the blog be the best part because I improve my vocabulary and writing speed, for the simple reason that to do a blog, one has to search words and organizations of good way

the biggest problem of the English course is that the teachers did not exercicing the basic thing, in my opinion, they thought that we all had a high level of English, in the case of my classmate some have a high level and others with a lower level, unlucky for me I include myself in the last group, I feel that the "listening" was difficult because we did not practice much, and in the thing when the course had a big problem was in the oral part, in this topic we had a little training and finally the worst result

these were my opinion of the course of English I think taht the reason of this problems was the time, in one semester, we can not have a big improvement...
see you in the week bye

Sunday, November 14, 2010


hello my dear friends, today I´m going to speak about tho the election of president in the ANFP. In this election the presidents of the chilean soccer teams of the firsts and second divition choosed the next president of the ANFP. What is the significance of this election? the relevance is the actual president losed, the coach of the chilean soccer selection left his work.

finally harold Mayne-Nicholls losed this important election and for this marcelo bielsa left his job, this will be importan? I think that yes, because Bielsa don´t work with the new president Jorge Segovia, and when segovia takes his nenew work, bielsa resing. the terrible of this situation is Chile losed a great coach, with him chile rank second in the qualifers to the Southafrica 2010 wordl cup, and the major merit was when chile beat 1-0 a argentina in an historic match(83)

In the world mundial cup Chile do a good perfonmans, Chile was in the eight group, with Spain, Switzerland and Honduras. in this competition chile beat Honduras 1-0 in his first match and Switzerland in the second match with the same result, the difficult be in the finals match, Chile losed with Spain 2-1 but advanced to round. In this round chile losed 3-0 with Brazil

thinking in this result, the work of Marcelo Bielsa was good, chile didn´t won a match in a world cup in 48 years and apart the team played so good, doing show and people enjoed this

for this point I think chile losed a great coach, with new ideas, and mentality. this situation is a shame, chile losed a great coach and a new style of play
goo bye friends see you in te week

Sunday, November 7, 2010


hello my dear friends, today I´m going to speak about the injustices in the soccer, maybe I choose this topic for the injustice of today in the importan match between universidad the chile and colo colo

speaking about the injustices, who would likes this? I think anyone, well in many sport the person who is responsible for the deportist follow the rules is the referee, line judge ect, in the case of the soccer a very difficult work, I think the referee is the most hated person in this sport, if your team loses the fault falls inmediatly in the referee, second in the coach and third in the players or maybe in the court, is for this that the world hates referees

this introducion was to show my perspective of this topic, well the last injustice of the soccer happened today in an important game in the Chilean league, to be specific the most important game of the year, because today play the two most important teams of chile, colo colo(visit) and universidad the chile(local), if the visit win practically be champions, if the local win, they have a litle oportunityto be champions, finally the teams tied 2-2

What was the problem with this? the problem with this was the tie of the visit was invalid, the second goal of colo colo was after a header of a forward of this team, the problem the player was offside, and the lineman did not see this because her flag falls and he did not saw the play

I think this was a shame and a big injustice, this did not happen in a soccer match but are things of the soccer, see you in the week and I blue, my heart is blue, see you in the week
this was a big injustice bye

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

dealing with stress to university

hello my dear friend, today I´m going to speak about how dealing the stress at university, for me a very insteresting topic, beacause these days the people are in a state of continuos stress

for me the reason is very simple, people have many things to do, but a very little time, and for this hard work, we lost time to relax and distract

in my case, I have a life with moment of great stress, in the university I have a very difficult life, when I have tests, exams and controls, the truth in these periods I don´t have time for anything that is not relative to the university, in this time the I don´t sleep well and occasionally miss to the classes to study all the day

I think that the university have to be difficult, but don´t be so difficult, generating a great stress

analyzing this, the questions be: how we can dealing the stress in the university?
the answer be very simle, but for me be very difficult, the solution for the stress at university is be very responsable, the person that don´t be with stress study a little every day, study before the teacher teach this classes, the problem is that if one study a lot, one don´t have a life, really this be a difficult topic unless one be a genius and don´t need study

well my dear friends, I think this for reason wea have to be responsable but the university don´t have to be more difficult, see you in the week bye

Friday, October 22, 2010

we only use 10% of your brain anyway

hello my dear friends, today I´m going to speak about a part of a paper of neuromyth, I choose a interesting part where this explained this phrase"but I read that we only use a 10% of our brain anyway" this phrase come from Albert Einstein
when we speak about it, everybody knows and thinks this is a true, all because Albert Einstein one of the most famous physical of the history said this(74)

one argument for this be when karl Lashley explored the brain using electric shocks. and many areas of the brain did not react to these shocks, Lashley concluded that these areas had no function

with this information one might think that we have a big brain, but a small part of this have a function, it is possible?. It is possible that the brain spend a lot of energy, because it need a good irrigation and a great number of cells and we used only a ten porcent of this ?

the answer is no, Neurosciencie findings now show that the brain is 100 porcent active, the reason is simple obiusly we have a function areas of the brain with more activity, for example the primary visual area, the primary auditory area ect. but every part of the brain have a function, maybe somes parts of the brain be more important to the right function of the body, also the evolution is very inteligent, for this we don´t have part in our body with any function

this was my teories of this phrase jajaja good bye friends, see you in the week

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a healthy life style, Is it possible? How?

hello my dear friends, today I´m going to speak about : ¨ a healthy life style, Is it possible? How?
to be begun, I think healthy life style is have a good physical state, have a good customs for food, this things seems easy, but if we see the persons, the mayor have a bad healthy style. In this block I talk about this reason

thinking reason for have a good healthy life style, choose the food, the type of life(sports, sedentarisim) and the style of society in wich we live, I go to stars with this points

the food is a important thing in this society, where we go, be restaurants, fast food, and food and more food, this could be good? ofcourse, the problem is the type of food, if this food be healthy this could be perfect, but this be the fast food wich affects our healthy

other importan point is the type of life, the person who do sports have a good healthy for this I think everybody have to do sports, the sport is perfect to the body and produce a good physical state

finally the society is very important, beacuse this condicion to the persons, if one live in a culture with bad healthy, one is prone to have very problems in our healthy, for this I think is difficult have a good healthy if one life in a bad enviroment, but no impossible everything is in our hands

how we have a good healthy style of live, very simple eating healthy food, do a lot of sport, don´t have a sedentarisim life, sleep fine, and to be happy have a lot time to relax and enjoi the life

bye friends I hope we think the same and have a good healthy and eat very well and do sport, see you in the week :D

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the best memorie of my childhood

hello my dear friends, today I¨m going to speak about my best memorie of my childhood, I think in my childhood and I have very good memories, this time where I can play all the day with friends, this time where we didn´t have more obligations only receive love of your family and environmen

having to choose one moment in my childhood, would choose one of the summers when I played every day, in the park was in the front of my house, in fact, my garden have a direct door to the park, for this in my case was very easy go to this place

in this summer I played specially with a friends of school in this places, and with the person that I more played was my neighbor, we played soccer, tennis and a lot of plays in the park

my friends and me play in this places until it was getting late, when my mother forced to enter to the house because it was very late

this times was incredible, if I didn´t playing outside, I was playing play station, honestly I was and be a master for some games, for example for the winning eleven, is dificult defeat my in this game jaja, for this reason my childhood was good, because I didn´t play fisically I was playing virtually

well this was a part of my childhood, I thing it be a beautiful part of the live to everybody, this part we define your strengths and habits
see you in the week friends, good luck

Sunday, September 5, 2010

my favorite movie

hello my dear friends, today I¨ going to speak about my favorite movie, in my case I don¨t be a fanatic of the films, for this reason is difficult for me, I like movies for actions where you see fights, for this I think stars wars is my favorite movie

I remenber the first time I saw one of the movies of stars war, was in the cinema went my father went with me to saw the stars war(the first), in this time this movie was a real phenomena and many people went to saw this in the cinema

I like this film because george lucas structure very good the history, he do very well the first trilogy, the film have good actors, scenes and effect(for the time of couse), to this day I remember the famous ¨ I¨am your father" and this epic fights with this espectacular lazer swords also I like this movies because have amazing characters, for example chubaka, the master joda and other series of strange characters

the second trilogy was good, in this george lucas resolved the mysterys that has remained in the first trilogy, but in my case did not cause the same impact but in the first movies, for me everything was new and in the last movie was more difficult surprise me, maybe for my age maybe because I knew the type of movie, but anyway the movies were espectacular and amazing

I hope you like stars war me too, see you in the university bye :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

hi my dear friens, this is my ultime post in to this blogg, if I aprobe this class of english , I guess I continue posting in english intermedied, I¨m coming hopefully (32)

to began I think that my level of english is not so good, but I tried to write every friday, speak in the disertation and the most dificult for me listenig, buy this I don´¨t do it good

Friday, July 2, 2010

hi dear friends now Iwill speak about my ideal job
well in the future I will be a physical therapist and I think I am going to start in a hospital to get experience also to this form I meet de career to the real form because I think in a private part I not going to get the experience to do a good work in the future

then when I work for a long time in this I like work to in traumatology in some traumatology center, in this work I will get the final experiencie to do my dream job.

when I finish this stage I will be ready to do my dream job, be a physical therapy of a team of soccer, my plan is start in a team of second division, and work well to around to the first division, to this form be a popular physical therapy and get to be the physicaltherapy of the most important team of chile, university of chile

in this way work be a really pleasure, I do the combination to the medicene and sport

my work conditions ?
I like work with a good team(doctor, nurse,medical technologist ect), a good multidisciplinary team, ideally I¨d like work in a place with good working conditions but this are not, is not an impediment to work completely

speaking about my ideal boss, I hope that my boss be a good person and he be very profesional, to this form have a good relationship with the big good, the boss
Finally I hope that my work I can help people and be happy

bye friends, my last post? who knows, good weekend dear friends
see you in the university and in english
peace and love

Friday, June 18, 2010

a photograph

hi, today I will write about a picture, a special fotograph for me, this is in brazil, when I went to Brazil for my study tour, this was in 2008 when I was 17 years

In my college, when you was in third grade. My classmate had the oportunity to went to brazil or other part, and in the 2008 was my turn

this photograph was in the iguazu falls, in the finals of my tour. The trip begun in camboriu, a beach of brazil, it´s was amazing, I remenber to this day drinking "caipiriñha" in the beach and play soccer beach with my friends

this trip was very important for me because I had a great time with my class and reinforced my friendship with many clasmfor

for finish focusing in the photograph, It was one of the most beatiful place I where I've
bye friends, the photograph is cool or not ? jajajaja good week

Friday, June 11, 2010

my education

hi dear friends, in this time I will talk about the educations, its relevance and important to my development and in the all students in general

to start I think that the educations is very important to the
psychological development, intellectual and cultural, because with a good educations the person could have the opportunity to grow in these areas

in my case I think I had the opportunity to have a good education, both in school and at my home, maybe for this I can enter tho the career I wanted where I wanted, for this based in my experiencies I can see the importance of a good education

now focused on the university one can analyze the way we are educating, in theory we have the best teachers and a very old tradition, but we don¨t have the infrastructure that other universities have, this is an important points that affects our quality of education

In my career the education is important because if this is not good I would be a bad physical therapy and would do my job badly

and this be my opinions of the educations in general and in my case
bye dear friends, have a great week and see you in the next class

Friday, June 4, 2010


hello my dear friends, now I Speak about the stereotypes of my university

In the university there are a lot of types of person and group. the biggest group are the guys that listen, I see every day a boys and girls with a T-shirt of a artist of rock and metal music, and other big group is a punk person who using airestyle very strange, and for me opinion, this airestyle are so innovate and interesting
Other important group are the hippies, who smoke(every thing) in the park of the university in the recces and parties of the faculty

And other type of division is the career, for example the most part of the student of physical therapy go to the CES( student union) in the recess, inthis place we play pin pong or fusbol, other career have other places of rest and recreation

In my case I think that I am a very normal person because every thing in my life is normal, my family, my house, my dog, my university and my friends, but every one think that one is normal, for this reason I don¨t know my real level of normally

I think that in the chilean society given a great important to the steriotypes but in really the steriotypes be a perfect vision of the qualities os the person

this is my opinion dear friend, see you in class ans in the university
peace and love

Friday, May 28, 2010

my favourite subject

hi dear friends, today I will speak about my favourite subject of my carreer
In physical therapy all subject are dificult(anatomy, histology, quimic, physic ect), except introduction to physical therapy, it is very easy because the thing we see are very simple and for this is my favourite subject
In this class the teacher speak about our future carreer, orient everybody for our carrer
this is very important because, in this class we see what do a physical therapy in the really, because in my case when I join to physical therapy I have a smaller idea about this carreer, I think this be a fusion of medicine and sport, and in this class I discover that physical therapy is very much that this is a feeling of service to the comunity, help people with physical problems with a kinesic work
the interesting of this class is after see the history of the physical therapy, the begins in the world and chile, the different tipes of this(traumatology, ortopedict, respiratory and neurology)the students do groups and have to go to different center of physical therapy in santiago

I think that this visit will be a great help to my future treatment with my patients, and for this reason introduction to physical therapy is my favorite subject, because is a big help to my future job
bye friens see you in the university and the next class of english
peace and love, more love jaja

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

website ¡

Hello my dear friends
This time I am going to speak about my fauvority website, really I have tree:, and
Now I describe, I used this website because is a virtual newspaper where I see sports, economy for example
terra is a good page because be very fast, tidy and easy to used, for this in my free time look this website, in special the section of sports, I can see results of a lot sports, even I can listen the match for this website
Be informed is very important in this global world for this terra is important for me, I used this page in the mornig, afternoon and night
other page I usually visit is, this is incontrollable for me, is a vicious jajaja

have a good week friends and recording, visit if you don´t have a newspaper and have a computer
see you in english and class

Friday, April 30, 2010


hi dear friend, this time I am going to speak about my experiencie of the earthquake, it is enbarrasing but I didn¨t feel the earthquake, attention this is my story.

On February 26th I was in santiago of Chile, and in this day a dear friend had a party, and of course I went to this house, in this party I drunk some of beer and that stuff,
finally I arrived around two to my house and nothing made me think that this night will be one of the strongest earthquake of the history, and accidentally I was sleeping drunk

To sum up my family stood up with the earthquake, but I was in the seven dream and really I didn ¨t feel anything, but my she woke me up after the earthquake and saw my house some messy and I didn¨t understand anything and I continued sleeping

on february 27th I saw on the television the destructions in my country in especial in the eigth region

And after I saw the massive destruction, My family gave money and clothes, but i coudnt help in person becose I had to take care of my grandmather

And that was my history of the earthquake

see you my dear friends


Friday, April 23, 2010

my profession

hello my dear friends now I speak of my future( I hope) professions physical therapy.
The most importat point of be a physical therapy is help people, study and understand the function of the human body.
My expectations are having a good job, making me feel complete helping people. I wanted specialize in sport pysical therapy, because I love to do sport, and this porfession is very connected to this.
My perfect job might be a physical therapy of a soccer team
I think it is going to be difficult to finish my studied but I am sure I will be a good profesional in the future
For this days I in love of phisical therapy, I like the classes, the teachers in special the classmates that I am knowing

Friday, April 16, 2010

my life

hi, my name is george. I am eighteen year old. I live in ñuñoa santiago chile since I have five years old. I studied in the instituto santa maria in Ñuñoa and this year I entered to study phisical therapy in the university of chile
my family is formed for my mother, father and my older sister, we live in pasaje juan moya 217 in ñuñoa
I like play soccer, video games and and go away with friends